In this episode, anxiety solution pioneer Daniel shares his journey of overcoming anxiety and introduces a new perspective on anxiety.
He explains that anxiety is not a problem of the mind. It is a malfunctioning of the nervous system in the body. This understanding simplifies the solution to anxiety and offers hope for permanent relief.
Daniel’s six-week program, based on engineering principles, has a 90% success rate in overcoming anxiety without drugs or therapy.
In this conversation, Daniel Packard discusses the mechanism of healing and how anxiety is a simple mechanical issue that can be addressed. He emphasises the importance of understanding that anxiety originates in the body, not the mind.
By strengthening the nervous system, individuals can lower their anxiety, unlock their potential, and live their full potential.
Daniel offers free training that provides an experience of healing and helps individuals understand the root cause of their anxiety.
He encourages listeners to take action and invest 45 minutes into their future. Visit for a free 45-minute training to learn an innovative technique for overcoming anxiety easily and quickly.
Takeaways from Overcoming Anxiety with Daniel Packard
- Anxiety is not a problem of the mind. It is a malfunctioning of the nervous system in the body.
- Understanding that anxiety is in the body simplifies the solution and offers hope for permanent relief.
- Traditional approaches to anxiety often focus on managing symptoms. A better approach is solving the root cause.
- Daniel’s six-week program, based on engineering principles, has a 90% success rate in solving anxiety without drugs or therapy. Anxiety is a simple mechanical issue that can be addressed by strengthening the nervous system.
- Understanding that anxiety originates in the body, not the mind, can help individuals unlock their potential.
- A strong and healthy nervous system allows individuals to handle challenges and live their full potential.
About the Guest

Daniel Packard is a U.C. Berkeley Mechanical Engineer who turned his painful 10-year battle with severe anxiety into a mission to engineer an actual permanent solution for anxiety.
After 8 years of research and testing (working with 3000 people from 5 continents) Daniel and his research have developed the world’s only permanent anxiety solution program with a 90% success rate.
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