“If I am doing something that is truly good for me, I will naturally be having a positive effect on everyone in my world.”
“Worry and anxiety do not serve you. Use your energy in a way that helps you.”
In this episode, Dr. Carla Marie Manly enlightens us on how to improve our professional and personal relationships through mindfulness and communication skills. She talks about consciously drafting our best version through deriving joy from fear. One way this can be achieved is by embracing and managing fear. She talks about consciously drafting our best version through dating smart, knowing and living by our values and aging joyfully. Listen to learn more.
Connect with Dr. Carla Marie Manly: https://drcarlamanly.com/
- JOY FROM FEAR: https://www.amazon.com/Joy-Fear-Carla-Marie-Manly/dp/1641701218
- DATE SMART: https://www.amazon.com/Date-Smart-Transform-Relationships-Fearlessly/dp/1641704675
- AGING JOYFULLY: https://www.amazon.com/Aging-Joyfully-Optimal-Relationships-Fulfillment/dp/1641701412
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