In this episode, Clifford Stephan, founder of Booz Vacation, discusses the benefits of taking a break from alcohol. Clifford shares his personal experience of realizing that recreational drinking was holding him back in his 40s. He explains that regular alcohol use can have negative effects on health and performance, and taking a break can help reset neural circuitry and improve sleep, diet, and overall well-being. Clifford recommends taking a break for at least three to six months to see significant gains. He also emphasizes the importance of community support and offers resources and coaching through Booze Vacation.
sound bites
“You can only play that game for so long before it starts precipitating some unintended consequences.”
“Taking an extended break and leveraging that time to restore your health and performance.”
“It’s two to six months minimum to reset your neural circuitry.”
about clifford stephan

Clifford Stephan is the founder of Booze Vacation, a health and wellness company for high-performing men who want to take their lives and careers to the next level–all by using the massive benefits that come from a break from booze as leverage to do so. He is also the founder of OneCompensation, a Bay Area consulting firm that has helped Silicon Valley companies like Google, Linkedin, Kaiser Permanente, and Motorola Mobility engage and retain top talent.
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