Scott Ritzheimer on Building A Successful Business, Creating Capacity & The Importance of Humble Honesty

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In this episode, Scott Ritzheimer talks about the people and important steps required to start a business. He talks about what keeps entrepreneurs and leaders going daily to take their business to the next level. He shares the importance of humble honesty in a team and creating capacity for your business ventures.

WHO do you NEED to get to WHERE you WANT?

What does your business stand for?

“Is this the RIGHT thing for you right NOW?”

“Who can you learn from to help you succeed?”

Do you want to take the business you built to the next level? Get this FREE EBOOK:

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As the Founder of Eight Figure Focus, Scott has felt the frustration of working hard but feeling like you’re just spinning your wheels. Over the past 13 years of consulting with and leading businesses, Scott has learned a lot about how to successfully grow a business, and how not to. He has taken all of the processes, tools, and strategies that worked and put them all into one cohesive system that is guaranteed to grow your business. By using this system and avoiding the mistakes Scott made, you can get back on the path to growth in a fraction of the time.

Despite being heavily impacted by the COVID pandemic, Scott’s business has continued to grow. The leadership team has stayed intact and the company culture remains incredibly strong!

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#mirrortalkpodcast Question: Are you doing the right thing right now?

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