Eng Taing on Pursuing Security & Freedom: Born in a Refugee Camp in Thailand, Working for Giant Tech Companies, Making Millions in Real Estate Investment

In this episode, Eng Taing, CEO and Founder of Touzi Capital, shares his life story of being born in a refugee camp in Thailand, where his family escaped the Khmer Rogue from Cambodia. He talks about growing up in Los Angeles as an Asia-American, working with giant tech companies and deciding to start his own investment company in the middle of a pandemic.


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Eng is an experienced private fund manager with $100M assets under management. He has 12 years of the private market and real estate investing experience and has focused on cash flow investing to create significant passive income. Eng is an economist by training, from the Wharton School of Business. He also has experience leading data science and analytics at Apple, Capital One and AT&T. He applies that experience when identifying and underwriting investment opportunities and markets.

Eng is the classic immigrant story that can only happen in America. He was born in a refugee camp in Thailand, where his family escaped the Khmer Rogue from Cambodia. Having grown up in Los Angeles, he pursued economics by day trading and playing Poker to pay for his tuition while attending the University of Pennsylvania. There he trained as an economist and afterwards went into Investment banking. Later he would leave the financial world to join the Peace Corps, volunteering in the Republic of Georgia–a year after the Russian invasion. There he met his wife–Jennie, who was also volunteering abroad. They now have one son, with another on the way.

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