In this episode, Rand Selig discusses how to create a happier, healthier, and more prosperous life. He shares his journey of becoming the author of his own life and designing his own path. The conversation covers topics such as finding purpose, managing oneself, cultivating good habits, and forging deep relationships. Rand emphasizes the importance of self-reflection, rest, trust, and effective communication in thriving personally and together with others.
In this conversation, Rand Selig and Tobi discuss the importance of communication, support, forgiveness, and letting go in relationships. They explore the concept of self-sabotage and how it stems from a lack of self-confidence. They also delve into the power of forgiveness, both for oneself and others, and the process of letting go of control. Rand emphasizes the need for balance in various aspects of life and the importance of being intentional about personal growth and engagement with the world.
About rand selling

Rand Selig, an accomplished entrepreneur, coach, scoutmaster, board member, and roll-up-your-sleeves conservationist, shares his extensive expertise in his book Thriving! How to Create a Healthier, Happier, and More Prosperous Life. With an MBA from Stanford and undergraduate degrees in mathematics and psychology, he excels at managing complex projects globally. He is relentlessly positive and believes he can design his own life and others can, too. Based in Mill Valley, California, he enjoys life’s adventures with his wife of 42 years.
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