“Help others without any reason and give without the expectation of receiving anything in return.“

Roy T. Bennett
Merry Christmas. We fed the Children supported by MIRROR TALK and STECHAD

On Christmas Day (25th December 2022), we fed children on the streets of Ibadan, Nigeria.

This was made possible with the help, love and donations from main collaborator STECHAD as well as from friends of the MIRROR TALK podcast.

Watch the short video on YouTube

We made a short video showing the places visited and some of the souls impacted on 25th December 2022.

Every cent and penny made all the children smile. It made the Christmas celebration special and memorable for them.

Special thanks to everyone who participated in one way or the other towards the success of this project. NEXT YEAR WILL BE GREATER. We are grateful.

God bless you!

Apart from the donations from the generous donation from STECHAD, we were able to raise the funds from podcast advertisements, sponsors and our amazing friends and family of MIRROR TALK. Our initial project/fundraising page can be found here: https://mirrortalkpodcast.com/feed-the-children/

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